Monday 18 June 2012

Game Flow Chart

Adjective and Adverbs


I can remember it like it was yesterday, the night before I was sadly unable to eat. The next morning I had some cold cream gently put on the back of my hands and a plaster thing stuck on top. Soon I was steadily taken off to the surgery room when I got there I was given an oxygen mask to hold. The doctor carefully put a sharp needle into my arm and I could feel the cold liquid slowly moving through my veins as I suddenly started to fall asleep.

I could faintly hear voices but I felt so tired that I had no energy to respond or even open my eyes so I quickly fell back to sleep. After a short period of time as i awoke fully my throat felt as dry as sand so I politely ask for a drink. The doctor said I should try not to drink to much as I have been under anaesthetic for 4 hours but I was so thirsty I drank it anyway. With in 30 seconds I painfully through up and had a sharp pain in my chest.

conversation tree

Game Story

Back story

Hiroki is the son of Louis Meiyo one of the worlds most powerful mafia bosses. At the age of 8 Hiroki and his mother had to move to japan as they were in danger of being killed or kidnapped. Whilst in japan Hiroki became interested in baseball and aimed to become a professional, also he trained in kendo and became highly skilled. When hiroki turned 15 his mother told him hes father has gone missing and he will become the new mafia boss of the mafia family when he turns 16.


Hiroki’s mother (Shizuke Meiyo) is in the hospital dying from an unknown illness and hiroki is visiting her. She decides it is time to tell him the truth and explains to him his past and the truth about his father. Also she tells him about a secret room in there house and that it holds the truth and a message left for him by his father. As his mother passes away she tells hiroki she loves him.

Hiroki rushes home to find the secret room. As he finds it he discovers no one as been inside for a long time as there are cobwebs and paper work everywhere.
After some time searching he finally finds what he is looking for, the letter from his father. The letter is saying what hiroki should do next if he chooses to become the next boss of the English mafia and how he can restore it to its former glory. Hiroki spends some time looking through the paper work and discovers that the Japanese mafia who are now the most powerful mafia in the world has taken his father. Also he finds a weapon rack with guns on and a katana. Hiroki decides to take on the role of the leader of the English mafia and take down the Japanese mafia so he takes the katana and the gun.

Hiroki travels up the mountain to train for a week with the katana and the gun he took. After his week of training he enters a tournament to test his strength and see if he is ready. On his way home his friends from school find him after they have been looking for him for the past week. Hiroki explains the situation to them and what he must do. With no hesitation his friend say they will be going with him and hiroki has to make the decision, which will change their life and cannot be undone.

Before he leaves for England he decides to turn his house in to a mafia house to use when he returns to japan. After this is completed hiroki and his friends leave for England where the English mafia await his return. As hiroki arrives he has to find a way to contact the mafia and find their hideout. When he finally contacts them he meets up with his fathers closest friend (mark) who gladly welcomes hiroki. Mark warns hiroki that with in the mafia there are some people who do not want a 15-year-old child to be there boss and plan to overthrow you and you will need to regain the trust soon.

To regain there trust hiroki gets a list of problems the mafia has right now for example the police have blocked off there trades so they have no got enough Money and the fact that the hideout is falling apart. So to solve the trading problem hiroki has one of his friends find a way to solve the problem and when this is done they use the money to rebuild the hideout. Hiroki also solves many other small problems like cuts of loose ends and so on.

After this hiroki starts to gain respect within the mafia and becomes more recognized as the boss. Once he position is known he plans for his main goal of taking out the Japanese mafia but to do this he will need allies. So to start with he travels to Italy and makes a deal with the Italian mafia. Then with others mafia groups that have a grudge against the Japanese mafia.

After 2 years of rebuilding the English mafia and gaining allies he decides now is the time to wipe them out. With this decision the English mafia and all his allies travel to Japan for the final part of the plan. As they arrive the Japanese mafia are already waiting for them at the airport and open fire on hiroki and his men as they get of the plane. The battle at the airport is intense and after many casualties they manage to push through and take other the airport.  Its now time to head for there hideout but hiroki did not expect the Japanese military to be working with the Japanese mafia. With this tanks roadblocks were blocking the way and the streets were turning in to a war zone.

Hiroki has to choose his most trusted men and find away around this and get to the hideout without being seen. When hiroki gets there hiroki finds the Japanese mafia boss Lang waiting fore him. Lang challenges hiroki to a one on one dual using katana’s. Hiroki accepts the challenge. After a ins=tense battle of skill, strength and the will to not give up, hiroki now covered in cuts and bruises he slashes deep across Lang’s chests causing him to drop his katana and desperately crawl away for his life. Lang then pulls Hiroki’s father (Louis Meiyo) out of a room with a gun pointed towards his head screaming that he will shoot him if he does not put the sword down.

Hiroki drops his sword and Lang shoots him in the stomach, as this happens Louis go berserk and punch slang in the face and pushes him forward. Lang then stands up and points the gun at Louis calling him a fool. Suddenly hiroki grabs his sword swings it at langs neck and chops of his head. As langs body hits the floor hiroki collapses from his gun shot wound.

Hiroki wakes up back in his old house with his father and his friends that have been with him from the beginning. When hiroki stands up he says to his father and friends so what next.

Three act structure

Story Ark

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Character Profile Sheet

Character Profile Sheet

Character Nam: Hiroki

Full Name:  Hiroki Meiyo

Nick Name(s): 

Gender: male

Age:  16


Marital Status: 

Spouse: none

Hair:   spiky/ bit messy.

Eyes:  blue

Origin:   Hiroki was born in England then moved to Japan with his mum when he was 8 years old as he was in danger from the mafia.

Language(s):   English

Height:  6ft

Weight/Body Structure/Distinguishing Marks/Traits:

White British

Parents /Guardians:    Louis Meiyo (dad, mafia boss) Shizuke Meiyo (mum)

Siblings:   single child


Enemies:  other mafia family’s

Beliefs/Religion:   none

Career/Past Careers: 

Dreams/Life Goals:    become a pro baseball player and the best mafia boss

Hobbies:    sports like baseball and football. Also kendo

Likes:   sports, women, swords, fighting

Loves: women , swords

Dislikes: people who give up and have no will. Also people who are weak

Loathes:    people who take hostages to get to him                                                      

Fears:  the death of his friends

Strengths: athletic, highly skilled with a sword.


Good Qualities:     friendly toward allies protects innocent people

Bad Habits:      
falling asleep in class 

Turn Ons:    women

Turn Offs: 

Talents:      sword and gun skills

Special Skills:   sword, gun and killing


Background: __Hiroki is the son of  Louis Meiyo one of the worlds most powerful mafia bosses. At the age of 8 Hiroki and his mother had to move to japan as they were in danger of being killed or kidnapped. Whilst in japan Hiroki became interested in baseball and aimed to become a professional, also he trained in kendo and became highly skilled. When hiroki turned 15 his mother told him hes farther has gone missing and he will become the new mafia boss of the mafia family (liberta or Kurayami) when he turns 16.


Assassins target Main character

Mc will have a school life at the same time and still take part in sports and have friends

Main characters friends find out about him and join his mafia

Main character is mafia boss
Main characters mother is dying from an unknown illness
Mc visits her where she tells him about a secret room in there house where he will find out the truth about his father and what to do next.

Mc will go to secret room and find his fathers sword with the information

Mc finds out that his father secretly went in to hiding then let him self be captured to protect his family.

Mc does not show up for school and his friends look for him and find him training with his father’s sword.

Mc tells them to prepare for a war with the other mafia.                 
Mc fights to find is father and destroy rival mafia families

Main characters mafia will rise up to the top and be feared by the rest

How game designers use story to enhance a player's gameplay experience

In Naruto Shippuden ultimate ninja storm generations text and cutscenes are used as a form of storytelling . this makes it easier to understand the story so the player will understand what is happening and the cutscenes makes the players understand the characters emotions more and this will enhance there gameplay experience.

the story in Naruto is linear as you follow one path and do not make any decisions that change the story line.

there are many game genres like First Person Shooter (FPS), Sports, RPG, Racing and more.
the genre for Naruto is fighting which the aim is to defeat the opponent which enhances the story as the more opponents defeated the further the story progresses. 

in most games the developers use location, conditions, actions and three-act structure to make the story more interesting which will enhance the players gameplay experience.  for example in fable the three-act structure is used really well and greatly enhances the players gameplay experience. also locations have been used well as in different locations different options become available and the locations change depending on the players choices in the game.  

Also in fable emotional themes are used as the main character is trying to get revenge for his family so there is anger and sad emotions but also some happy emotions when the story advances. the game uses  interactivity with triggered events and cutscenes.

game designers make games with a interactive story to make it more interesting for the players for example Skyrim has a  interactive story with character customisation, triggered events, choices and player control. this enhances the players gameplay experiences as they can decided parts of the story which gets them more involved and with character customisation the player will have a character they like.

the story in fable and skyrim are non linear. they both have branching narrative as the decisions you make can change the story and it branches off in to many other decisions. for example when with interactive conversations with npc's can change the way your character is seen by others and how people react to you which could change the story. also there is the choice of being good or evil which will make a big difference to the story, like if you are evil everyone will hate you or towns could get destroyed and lots of people could die. then if you choose good people will love you and you will be known as a hero and towns may be improve and so on.

also some game developers use parallel narrative where you can completed events in any order and different ways but it always ends up with the same ending. a good example for this is the sims as no matter what you do you all ways get the same ending.

another way is open world narrative. in open world the player can encounter different parts of the overall story in any order they choose. for example on mmorpg's like world of warcraft and Aion with the quest system.

Developers also use the hero's journey method which is a 17 step method split into three parts. the first part is the departure, the second part is initiation and the third part is the return.
there are 5 steps in the departure and 6 in initiation and the return.

when game developers are creating a game they use many writing strategies such as storyboarding, brainstorming, planning and free writing. this will ensure their ideas are not forgotten and it will also help give them more ideas and improve them. also with this it is easier to share their ideas with the team working on the game and the programmers will have a better idea with what they are working on.